Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell http://xon.sh
#!/usr/bin/env xonshimport refrom os.path import dirname, join, abspath, exists, basenamefrom json import load, dumpimport tomlimport sys__dirname = dirname(abspath(__file__))sys.path.append(__dirname)from dnspod import Dnspodfrom config import CONFIGVERSION_INCR = 1def main(): root = dirname(dirname(__dirname)) version_toml_path = join(root, '.release.version.toml') package_path = join( root, "package.json" ) release_path = join(dirname(root), "release/srv") if not exists(release_path): print(release_path, '不存在') return cd @(root) git add -u try: version_toml = toml.load(version_toml_path) except: version_toml = {} if re.findall("nothing.* to commit", $(git st), re.S): last_commit = $(git log -1).split("\n",1)[0].split(" ",1)[-1] if last_commit in version_toml: print(f"commit {last_commit} released version {version_toml[last_commit]}") return with open(package_path) as f: package = load(f) version = package['version'] version = list(map(int, version.split("."))) version[-1]+=VERSION_INCR version = ".".join(map(str, version)) package['version'] = version with open(package_path,"w") as f: dump(package, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) comment = f"PUBLISH VERSION {version}" print(comment) cd @(release_path) find . | grep -vE '\.git/|.git$|\.$|\.\.$' | xargs rm -rf cd @(root) print(f">> cd {root}") git add -u git commit -m @(comment) last_commit = $(git log -1).split("\n",1)[0].split(" ",1)[-1] git archive master | tar -x -C @(release_path) print(f">> cd {release_path}") cd @(release_path) rm -rf nodemon.json .gitignore dev py *.md test LICENSE release.sh git add . gitignore = join(root, ".gitignore") cp @(gitignore) . git add .gitignore git commit -m @(comment) git push origin master git push github master version_toml[last_commit] = version with open(version_toml_path, "w") as f: toml.dump(version_toml, f) dnspod_update(version)def dnspod_update(version): domain = CONFIG.HOST.TXT dnspod = Dnspod(*CONFIG.DNSPOD) dnspod.update(domain, "cli-v", version) dnspod.update(domain, "cli-git", " ".join(CONFIG.GIT))if __name__ == "__main__": main()复制代码